Thursday, May 28, 2020
Evaluating the Use of Al-Ain University Library in Abu Dhabi - Free Essay Example
Evaluating the Use of Al-Ain University Library in Abu Dhabi and its services: Introduction The purpose of the institution of higher education library is to prop up the educational programmes of the academia by on condition that significant information so as to take action to the mounting information burden of the users who encompass the apprentices and the academic personnel of the university. The new Century pretenses fundamental confronts to the university libraries that the on the whole functions and services are prejudiced frequently. This is in stroke with the estimation that many problems influence the way services are make available in the library on a customary base. These challenges consistently stipulate that assessment of university libraries servicesà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢ remnants worthwhile. Unvarying appraisal of the university libraries utilize is the confident method to make certain that information is attained so as to determine whether the library is congregation its predictable objective, so that modification should be made where essential for effectual information service deliverance. In conjunction with this, the rationale of valuation, as confirmed by different scientists is to congregate information on how the library is completing its goals with an observation to increasing the deliverance of library services. In the luminosity of this therefore, requirement for this study becomes very important. It has been converted into maneuver to determine the degree to which the students of Al Ain University are exploiting the resources in their institution of higher education library. Determine the Purpose of the study The foremost rationale of this study is to estimate the utilization of library possessions and services by students of Al Ain University. Particularly, the study is located out to: Determine the occurrence of the utilization of library by the students of the university. Discover out the ease of use/satisfactoriness of the library possessions. Figure out the convenience of the library possessions. Find out userà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢ echelon of fulfillment with the offers provided. Find out the limitation to effectual exercise of library assets by the students. Recommend realistic ways to perk up use of the library by the students of the University. Research Questions The subsequent research questions were pretense to conduct this study: How numerous do the subscribers of Al Ain University utilize the University Library? To what degree are materials accessible or sufficient in the University Library? To what degree are the materials in the University Library available? To what level are the subscriber or users pleased with the offerings and amenities endow with? What are the limitations to effectual exploit of library possessions by the students of the University? In how many ways can the utilization of the library be enhanced in the students of the University? Determine data gathering and analysis techniques Research type was descriptive and causal as well. This is designed to depict the characteristics of library users and library services and find out the impact of applications of facilities on studies. Study followed deductive approach. It started with ample studies and literature review. Then it formalized to concept of Library offerings, system of to issue material and impact on students of university. From the findings in literature review questionnaire was designed. We collected data from the questionnaire and interviews based on the previous research work. Results will be analyzed from the data according to questionnaire. Research investigated with casual and correlation ways such as: the subscriber or users pleased with the offerings and amenities endow with and utilization of the library and enhancement in the knowledge of students of the University? Study setting based on non-contrived method. All data collected from Al Ain university library students in natural environment to see the relationship between use of students and library system. As data was gathered once, so it was cross-sectional study or one shot study. Close ended form of questionnaire selected because respondents find it interesting and easy to choose the options instead of giving random answers and additional comments. In other words, respondents come across with marked out categories in a closed question. As data was gathered once, so it was cross-sectional study or one shot study. This is a case study. The populace is 2500 recorded library exploiters, of which 200 people were chosen, by means of a in proportion stratified sampling technique. The most important mechanism for information compilation was a questionnaire. The survey was succinct and prearranged. Respondents were given moment in time and opportunity to absolute the questionnaire in the records. 200 response of the questionnaire were appropriately accomplished and come back. Throughout examination, frequencies were calculated from the rejoinder to the questions and transformed to percentages as obtainable and analyzed as follows. Data Presentation and Analysis Table 1 Allocation of users by position 154 (77%) of answers from the group of students, while 46 (23%) were employees. Students comprise the greater part in the university group of people. Regularity of the Use of Library Table 2: classification of Questionnaires by their regularity of utilizing of Library services A greater part of survey analysis, 74 (37%) worn the library in first slot, whereas 76 (38%) fall in second category which represent once in a week. Only 13 (7%) used the library once a month. Motives for Using the Library Table 3: Allocation by motives for means of using the Library 50 (25%) draw closer to the library to comprehend library books, 70 (35%) utilize the library offerings to refer the materials, 45 (23%) use for cours e group project and 20 (10%) to have access to library manuscript. Only 4 (3%) approached to exercise the library for all mentioned above motives, whereas another aspect of motive is to read library materials especially books and check with mention materials in which 25 percent people fall. Analysis Materials worn out Most Table 4: Allocations by evaluation and assessment Materials worn most users Reading Books report for the majority library stay, with 98 (49%), orientation resources consist of 23 (11%), journalists/publication 17(8%), periodical/directories 27 (13%) and assignment information 12(6%). Accessibility of Material Table 6: Usersà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢ answer on ease of use of evaluation Materials Result and discussion of Findings Mutually the students and the employees utilize the library resources, even though students comprise the preponderance. The majority surveys response exploit the library two to three times a week or every day, an excell ent suggestion of library draw on. A lot of motives were highly developed by means ofusing library. The prime numeral of respondents moves towards to read books from the compilation, while on second priority approached to confer with resource materials. This shows that possessions are being utilized, even though many students move toward the library to do lessons coursework. Textbooks are the a large amount frequently-used resources with 98 , pursue by indication materials Nearly three quarters of users designate that they go straight to the defer to situate material, and 18 ask the library staff. That may give details why users depend more on library staff than on the certificate catalogue in locating reading resources. While this admirable, users should be trained to employ the catalogue. Half of users rated library resources and amenities as à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“fairà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ , on second category it is rated them à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“good,à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ very low give consent as à ¢Ã ¢â€š ¬Ã…“very good.à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ Recommendation and conclusion: In this experiential study, the authors were twisted on assessing the use of library by the students of Al Ain University. Facts and figures were drawing out from them on a lot of aspects of areas of utilization of library. Scrutinize were the occurrence of the use of the library, the degree to which resources are accessible and sufficient in the library, the degree to which the possessions are accessible in the library, usersà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢ contentment with the services and amenities provided, tribulations affecting effectual use of the library by the students, and conduct of humanizing the use of the library by students. In the light of the findings of the investigations, it is to make the following recommendations: The tradition of using the Library should be in collated into students from side to side avenues such as systematize library presentation, library display, library direction, and addition o f use of library as a course in the Universityà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s prospectus so as to pull towards you students to the Library. The library compilation has to be improved to make certain that there is sufficient and impartial collection shimmering the concentration of all the departments. Organization and arrangement of the library compilation through cataloguing, categorization and indexing should be taken dangerously in organize to make possible right of entry and recovery to the resources. The Library Management should board on activities that would augment usersà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢ satisfaction because if users are satisfied, their benefaction will be protected and the occurrence of benefaction will also be augmented. Electronic/online library services have to be improved and users should be confident to use them. The Library should be making available with substitute means of authority supply in case to foresee power failure; standby power-generating sets should be made obtainable to the Library to take care of this. Services in the Library have to be computerized so that usersà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢ information requirements could be responded to punctually and without stoppage.
Saturday, May 16, 2020
Womens Roles in Hills Like White Elephants, by Ernest...
Hills Like White Elephants Hills Like White Elephants by Ernest Hemingway, is a great example of womens role in the last century. The story is told in a simple form of dialogue between a man and a young woman nicknamed Jig. Although there is an important decision to be made, nothing of much importance is talked about. In the story, Jig does not have much influence in her relationship with the man, even when it comes to an abortion. The tale begins outside a small train-stop in the middle of Spain, where a young woman peers into the nearby hills. Jig remarks that they look like white elephants and tells the man she wants some beers. The man asks for two drinks and the waitress asks Jill if she wants her drink with water, but†¦show more content†¦Their plans were to try new drinks and look at things.(p252) In the beginning of the story, Jig cant determine to get an Anis del Toro with or with ought water. It also seems that she does not even know where theyre going in their relationship. The rail tracks are used to symbolize the two roads ahead and they are stationed in the middle of them. She states that they could get along if she has the baby. The man tells her that he doesnt want anyone but her and its that simple. The decision isnt as simple to her but she will go through the operation. It seems that the man is happy with Jig just tagging along for the ride. Jig appears to be unsatisfied with her life. In the opening scene, she is imagining white elephants as she looks onto the Ebro hills. The white elephants refer to an unwanted gift. She wants the gift of a child but knows she cant have it because the man doesnt want it. This makes her unhappy and makes her look for an imaginary life. She drinks a lot and never settles down in one place. As she looks at the hills, she sees that there is no shade and no trees on their side. Later in the story, she sees that the other side of the hills is very fertile with a river, a field of grains, and many trees. Jig imagines her life as it could be if she becomes a mother and changes her lifestyle. Her life would be as happy as that little scene. Jig is also unhappy because she can not express her true feelings. She tries to tell theShow MoreRelatedTo Let The Air In964 Words  | 4 Pagesvastly common and effective in modern history. Women have exceeded past archaic stereotypical roles o f the housewife, the mother and the submissive doormat to more empowering trajectories. Many debatable issues surround women’s campaign of liberties including the broadly debated right to decide who has ultimate say in regards of getting an abortion. Ernest Hemingway wrote a story called, â€Å"Hills Like White Elephants†that conveyed the viewpoint of females centered around the topic . Well into character’sRead MoreHills Like White Elephants, by Ernest Hemingway Essay2921 Words  | 12 Pagesstories. One very interesting short story is called â€Å"Hills Like White Elephants†by Ernest Hemingway. Ernest Hemingway shows the themes in his writing by being very obvious about some of them and not so obvious about others. Some of the themes in â€Å"Hills Like White Elephants†include relationships, men and woman, and many others as well. Hemingway’s use of literary elements lets the readers analyze the many themes in the short story. Heming way uses various literary elements in his short stories toRead MoreYou Must Have an Abortion in Hills Like White Elephants by Ernest Hemingway563 Words  | 3 PagesThe short story â€Å"Hills Like White Elephants†by Ernest Hemingway, is about a man trying to convince his girlfriend to have an abortion. The couple sits in a train station waiting for their trip to Barcelona, and are staring outside at the sceneryâ€â€the line of hills â€Å"like white elephants†, as the girl, Jig, remarks. They sit and drink and they try to keep conversation light and to enjoy themselves. As the story progresses, however, cause for their underlying tenseness boils to the surface. Read More`` Hills Like White Elephants `` By Ernest Hemingway And The Masque Of The Red Death1643 Words  | 7 Pagesimpossible to overcome. Many believe that just because a conflict can not be resolved sometimes they think that the best solution for them is by escaping them. However, running away from difficult situations is never the answer. In â€Å"Hills Like White Elephants†by Ernest Hemingway and â€Å"The Masque of the Red Death†by Edgar Allan Poe the character American Man and Prospero ran away meaning escaping from their problems in the short story. This ties in with masculinism and feminism because of the way they possesRead MoreTrifles And A Jury Of The 1800s1288 Words  | 6 Pagesthat was practiced in that period. The woman was not given the equal rights as man. The main role of woman during that time was as they grow up marry in their caste have babies and feed and nurture the baby. The caste system was very strict at that time, and this was the main trouble to woman at that time. The contrast of this can be seen the stories like â€Å"A Jury of Her Peers†and â€Å"Hills Like White Elephants†. This can also be seen by the writers writing the stories. Adapted from Susan Glaspell’sRead MoreMale Dominance In Hills Like White Elephants and The Chrysanthemums1416 Words  | 6 PagesBoth Ernest Hemingway’s Hills Like White Elephants and John Steinbeck’s The Chrysanthemums portray oppressed female characters in the early 1900s. In Hemingway’s short, Jig is oppressed by her lover known only as â€Å"The American,†whereas, the main character in The Chrysanthemums, Elisa Allen, feels the weight of oppression from society (male dominated) as a whole. Although the driving force of the two women’s subjugation varies slightly, their emotional responses to such are what differentiate theRead More Role of Women in Hemmingways Hills like White Elephants, Lawrences The Horse Dealers Daughter and2273 Words  | 10 PagesRole of Women in Hemmingways Hills like White Elephants, Lawrences The Horse Dealers Daughter and Faulkners A Rose for Emily The role of women in society is constantly questioned and for centuries women have struggled to find their place in a world that is predominantly male oriented. Literature provides a window into the lives, thoughts and actions of women during certain periods of time in a fictitious form, yet often truthful in many ways. Ernest Hemmingways Hills like White ElephantsRead MoreRole of Women in Literature Essay2336 Words  | 10 PagesThe Representation of Women in Literature br brThe role of women in society is constantly questioned and for centuries women have struggled to find their place in a world that is predominantly male oriented. Literature provides a window into the lives, thoughts and actions of women during certain periods of time in a fictitious form, yet often truthful in many ways. Ernest Hemmingways Hills like White Elephants, D.H. Lawrences The Horse Dealers Daughter and William Faulkners A Rose forRead MoreWomen s Rights Of Women2756 Words  | 12 Pageshusband s d eath†(Chopin 59). The phrases â€Å"great care was taken†and â€Å"gently as possible†easily paints of the picture of a woman who cannot handle reality. This sets up the reader to have a preconceived notion Mrs. Mallard was just a weak dainty woman, like most in society of the time. Chopin uses this character depiction in order to make it more relatable for the reader, because women during this time in history (1851-1904) were stereotyped in this category. Women were neatly groomed and forced to becomeRead MoreEssay on Silent Spring - Rachel Carson30092 Words  | 121 PagesCarson left an especially deep imprint on her youngest child. While still quite young, Rachel began writing stories about animals, and by age ten, she had published a prize-winning magazine piece. In 1925, Carson earned a scholarship for Pennsylvania Womens College where she hoped to prepare herself for a literary career by majoring in English. As had always been her habit in school, the bright but reserved student focused on academics rather than socializing and was soon one of the colleges top scholars
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Essay about Socrates’ Trial Defense in Terms of His Values
Socrates’ Trial Defense in Terms of His Values In his Apology, Plato recounted the trial that led to the execution of his friend and mentor, Socrates. The account revealed that values of Socrates’ accusers and his own fundamentally differed, and that they had been angered because he tried to prove that they had misplaced theirs. Those differences created conflict between the two parties that culminated in his trial. With the understanding that a jury condemned Socrates to death and his defense nevertheless pleased him because he gave it truthfully, it is most sensible to call it a good defense because he felt it was the best that he could do. In reply to the first charge against him, Socrates effectively†¦show more content†¦Had people believed that Socrates in fact had no wisdom, his reputation would not have become so bad and his defense would have been more likely to succeed. He explained, however that individuals whom he criticized took offense at him and grew angry because they felt that he had more wisdom than they did. â€Å"’†¦I am called wise, for my hearers always imagine that I myself possess the wisdom which I find wanting in others: but the truth is, O men of Athens, that God only is wise; and in this oracle he means to say that the wisdom of men is little or nothing†¦Ã¢â‚¬â„¢Ã¢â‚¬ (Plato, 5) While that statement would not have convinced many people that Socrates lacked wisdom, it succeeded at presenting the idea that the oracle meant the wisdom of people is little or nothing. That likely benefited him among his supporters and some neutral jurors because they could have be lieved that Socrates’ mission had been to show that people lacked wisdom compared to gods rather than that he had more wisdom than others did. Among people who disliked him or who took pride in their ‘wisdom,’ the argument would not have helped him; they wouldn’t have believed in the piety of his mission and they would have thought that it proved the superiority of his wisdom to theirs. Socrates then defended the second charge against him with logical arguments and facts of Athenian society, both of which made this part of his overall defenseShow MoreRelatedEssay on Socrates and the Sophists681 Words  | 3 Pagesword has evolved. During the fifth century, sophists were teachers, speakers, and philosophers who were paid to use rhetoric (Mardner 1). But many people opposed their style of teaching. Socrates was a philosopher who disagreed with the Sophists point-of-view. The main differences between the Sophist and Socrates were their views on absolute truth. The sophist believed that there was no absolute truth and that truth was what one believed it to be (Porter 1). 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Dylan, the senior lecturer of the Department of Philosophy at University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg and author of several articles provides the argument that a satisfactory interpretation of human wisdom can be given in terms of â€Å"philosophia†.He confirms his analysis by its resolution of some enduring difficulties in theRead MoreSimilarities Between Machiavelli And Socrates1534 Words  | 7 PagesGovernment 241: Political Philosophy Professor Ives October 13, 2017 The morality which guided Socrates were an end all, be all for him. He did not wish to live without his search for truth. Socrates would see a Machiavellian Prince as self-centered, and void of morals. A Machiavellian prince would not appreciate the way Socrates carried himself and would see him as a challenge to his authority. 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The following is an outline of the argument or logos that Socrates used in his defense. A hypertext treatment of this dialogue is also available. I. Prologue (17a-19a) The first sentence sets the tone and direction for the entire dialogue. Socrates, inRead More`` Xenophon s Goals Are Self Advertisedly Circumscribed1354 Words  | 6 Pagescircumscribed. His aim is not to give a full account of Socrates’ trial or even a version of his entire speech of defense. ***Xenophon’s general intent was to defend Socrates by portraying him as encouraging young men to become like Xenophon himself - free from subjection to their own desires or the authority of an employer, mentally and physically self-disciplined, willing to follow their own good sense where applicable and oracles and divinations elsewhere ***Unlike Plato’s Socrates, who prefersRead MorePhilosophy - Admission of Ignorance1556 Words  | 7 PagesStarting Point of Philosophy†Philosophy 101 July 1, 2010 Plato’s story of the â€Å"Apology†professes to be a record of the actual speech that Socrates delivered in his own defense during his trial and conviction before a jury of 501 men in Athens. Socrates was charged with corrupting the youth of Athens and introducing strange gods to the city. Socrates addresses the men of Athens as follows: â€Å"Do not create a disturbance, gentleman, even if you think I am boasting, for the story I shall tell doesRead MorePlato, An Ancient Greek Philosopher1458 Words  | 6 PagesPhilosopher, is known for his writings that impacted people in the Ancient Greek society. He was a free thinker and lived in a free city, Athens. He was taught by multiple teachers including Socrates who was frequently mentioned in his writings as the central character. Plato’s novel, The Republic, influenced the idea of government and shows his views on the world. Throughout his personal life, writings, and dialogues, Plato shows his value of knowledge and how each of his writings impacted the moralsRead MoreHow Free Is Free Speech?1835 Words  | 8 Pagesespecially important to the understanding of the trial of Socrates because he, along with Xenophon, wrote the only two surviving accounts of the defense (or apology) of Socrates. Platoâ€⠄¢s account is generally given more attention by scholars of the two authors because he, unlike Xenophon, actually attended the one-day trial of Socrates in Athens in 399 B.C.E. Both Plato and Chaerophon, another important witness present at the trial, knew how Socrates engaged in the Athenian intellectual community,
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
How to prepare for exam effectively free essay sample
Life today has become so complex that examinations have come to play an important part in one’s educational career. Examinations are considered so crucial that most students are afraid of them. The ability to pass an examination is indeed a valuable quality. It shows that the student is able to express his or her thought and ideas to a manner others can understand. It also shows that the student has acquired a certain amount of knowledge in some branches of study. Besides, the mind of a student, even if he is dull, receives good exercise when he prepares for an examination. A student’s success in attaining a good examination grade, therefore, helps employers and others to assess his mental or general ability. Examinations are therefore an important part of academic studies. Therefore,to excel in examinations there are several tips to prepare for exam effectively. Use this quick study tip guide to see how you can improve your study skills and get yourself on track to achieving those A’s in your exams,it will be just like winning an Oscar award! First of all,don’t be afraid to ask study questions. We will write a custom essay sample on How to prepare for exam effectively or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Depending on what you’re studying, it may be quite difficult to understand a concept,theory or other information you need to learn. This is where it is invaluable to ask questions of your teachers, lecturers or other educators. Don’t be afraid of asking even a single question no matter if it is sensible or not. There really is no such thing when it comes to study and learning. As William Arthur Ward said,â€Å"Curiosity is the wick in the candle of learning†. Hence,embrace your curiosity. Doing so will allow you to solve your doubts and better prepare you for exams. Secondly,always quiz yourself. Once you feel you understand a concept or a topic, it is important to test yourself on it. Try and replicate exam conditions as much as possible,most importantly turn your phone off, don’t talk, and time yourself. You can set yourself a study quiz or practice exam questions and as long as you approach it with the right mindset, you can get a very good idea of how much you know. You gain a greater insight into where you stand in relation to what you’ve studied so far. It will also give you some much need exam preparation, making the actual exam a more comfortable experience. Flashcards are apotheosis for boosting your memory and help you recall theory, definitions and key dates. These are great for quick study sessions, especially straight before an exam. Thirdly,get creative with online study tools. Don’t feel obliged to just sit in front of a book with a highlighter,there are many different ways to study. Try using as many study tools and techniques as possible to help you study better and find what works best for you. Perfect examples of such study tools are online flashcards, mind maps, mnemonics, online study planners, video and audio resources. So,bring your study notes with you and practice exam answers wherever you are. Last but not least,if you incorporate these 3 aspects into your study regime you will be well on your way to achieving exam success. Remember, the earlier you start learning and preparing for exams, the more you’ll remember and understand but most importantly, you will have to study less in the future. Hence,why not try using these effective steps into action early,as the saying goes â€Å"Get up early;grind out hardy,Gain on success. â€
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