Saturday, December 28, 2019
Nonviolent Drug Offenders During The United States
As the amount of nonviolent drug offenders increases, so does the amount of prisoners in jail. With only 5 percent of the world’s population, the United States has 25 percent of the world’s total prison population. Between 1980 and 2013, the amount of people in federal prison for drug offenses has increased from 4,749 to 100,026, and the total federal prison population as increased almost 790 percent. To manage the sharp increase in the inmate population in recent years, the bureau that manages the federal prisons has resorted to putting two or three bunks in a cell, and converting recreational spaces into sleeping quarters. As the prisons become increasingly overcrowded, it hinders correction officers’ ability to do there job and ensure that inmates are kept nonviolent and facilities are in safe conditions. Without the proper supervision of law enforcement, prisons become extremely dangerous for both inmates and officers. And as the number of inmates rises, so d oes the cost to house all of them. According to the National Institute of Justice, the cost of building a prison ranges from $60,000 to $75,000 per inmate, with the average prison’s operating cost being about $60 per day per inmate. Where does this money to house prisoners come from you may ask? The answer is simple: the federal budget, which is largely funded by you, the average taxpayer. Along with the issue of increasing prison-housing costs, the rehabilitation programs available to inmates are usually the firstShow MoreRelatedDrug Abuse And The United States1645 Words  | 7 PagesIn 1971, Richard Nixon launched the war on drugs stating, â€Å"America’s public enemy number one in the United States is drug abuse. In order to fight and defeat this enemy, it is necessary to wage a new, all out offensive†(Sharp, 1994). 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As the Pledge of Allegiance states, â€Å"One nation under God, Indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.†However, under the current criminal justice system, more and more people lose their liberties because of the crimes they have committed. According to Roy Walmsley, a consultant of the United Nations and Associate of the International Center for prison studies, â€Å"In October 2013, the incarceration rate o f the United States of America was the highest in the world, at 716 perRead MoreThe Incarceration Rate Of The United States1370 Words  | 6 Pagesfreedom and opportunity. As the Pledge of Allegiance states, â€Å"One nation under God, Indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.†However, under the current criminal justice system, more and more people lose their liberties because of the crimes they have committed. 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Billions of dollars have spent to house offenders and to maintain their everyday life from rehabilitation programs, academic education, vocational training, substance abuse programs and medical care. The cost of incarceration climbs according to the level of security based on violent and non-violent crimes. Fewer staff is required in minimum and medium-security prisons that hous e low-level offenders. Incarceration is likely to serves as one indicator of other co-occurringRead MoreShould We Fight The War On Drugs?1678 Words  | 7 PagesThe selling or use of drugs is looked upon as a victimless crime which is why many believe that the government should not intervene to cut back on the large amount of money spent to fight the war on drugs. They may argue that decriminalization of drugs would reduce harm, crime and be beneficial with taxation. What many fail to realize is that the legalization of all drugs will only increase child abuse, increase funding for medical help and crimes that people are unaware is caused by substance abuseRead MoreMandatory Minimum Sentencing On Violent Crimes Essay1492 Words  | 6 Pagesrepeat offenders are playing a huge roll in this growth. Mandatory minimum sentences, first established in Connecticut in 1969 and expanded throughout the 1980s and 1990s, exemplify a shift in public policy to impose a specific amount of imp risonment based on the crime committed and the defendant’s criminal history, and away from other individual offender characteristics and circumstances. A mandatory minimum sentence requires a judge to impose a statutorily fixed sentence on individual offenders convictedRead MoreThe Maryland Second Chance Act1163 Words  | 5 PagesDirector – State of Maryland Commission on Civil Rights; Meg Ward, Executive Director – Patrick Allison House From: Rachel Harman, Social Work Intern Date: February 15, 2017 Subject: Here’s to Second Chances: Extend the Maryland Second Chance Act to Housing, Not Just Employment The 2015 Maryland Second Chance Act: â€Å"For Employers Only†The Maryland Second Chance Act is a relatively new piece of legislation that authorizes persons to petition the courts to â€Å"shield†conviction records for nonviolent misdemeanorsRead MoreShould Mandatory Minimum Sentencing Be Legal?3705 Words  | 15 Pagessentencing would create situations similar to that of playing roulette in the sense that offenders will view it as the luck of the draw. In turn, prosecutors could use this as an advantage to encourage cooperation during the investigative and conviction process. A significant issue in deciphering the necessity of mandatory sentencing is whether society has the ability to rehabilitate the offender. Repeat offenders have a tendency to revert to a life of crime when they are denied gainful employment
Friday, December 20, 2019
Study Guide Essay - 750 Words
1) What theological concerns prompted Martin Luthers challenge of the authority of the Catholic Church? What specific reforms did he advocate? -The church was saying that you needed to be saved and you needed Catholic priest to be directly involved in your path to salvation. Luther put emphasis on an individual’s personal relationship with God through Jesus. 2) What were the circumstances of the English Reformation? -Events of the English Reformation were in part associated with the wider process of feudalism and rise of nationalism, rise of common law and more. 3) By the end of the sixteenth century, which European countries had become Protestant and which had remained Catholic? -PROTESTANT: Germany, Scandinavia, Switzerland,†¦show more content†¦On the other hand, in an absolute monarchy, the monarch is presumed to be God-(or other deity)-ordained, and rules with no limits on their power. 8) What factors encouraged the evolution of a constitutional government in England and the Netherlands? -A bitter civil war, 1642-1649. Both had a prominent merchant class and enjoyed unusual prosperity. Both built commercial empires overseas with minimal state interference. 9) How did Louis XIV maintain control over the nobles of France? What were some of the structures of absolutism during his reign? -He has a large standing army that kept order. 11) What factors led to the dramatic population growth of Europe between 1500 and 1700? -American food crops improved Europeans’ nutrition and diets. Increased resistance to epidemic diseases after the mid-17th century. European population, between 1500-1800, increased from 81-180 million. Rapid growth of major cities. Cities increasingly important as administrative and commercial center. 12) What are the characteristics of capitalism in the early modern age? What financial innovations supported the growth of capitalism in Europe? - Joint-stock companies like EEIC and VOC organized commerce on a new scale. Capitalism actively supported by governments, especially in England and Netherlands. Protected rights of private property, upheld contracts, settled disputed. 13) What are some of the social changes that resulted from theShow MoreRelatedEssay on The Importance of Heritage in Everyday Use829 Words  | 4 PagesAnswers. ENotes - Literature Study Guides, Lesson Plans, and More. Web. 14 Apr. 2011. SparkNotes: Everyday Use: Analysis of Major Characters. SparkNotes: Todays Most Popular Study Guides. Web. 14 Apr. 2011. SparkNotes: Everyday Use: Themes, Motifs, and Symbols. SparkNotes: Todays Most Popular Study Guides. Web. 14 Apr. 2011. http://wwwRead MoreTuck Everlasting1373 Words  | 6 PagesMaterials Needed 1) Novel 2) Vocabulary journals 3) Writing journals 4) Paper 5) Pencil 6) Study guide questions 7) Dictionaries Day one: Monday-Prologue-chapter 5 *Start the lesson with asking the students to write a pro and con list about living forever? Would they want to live forever why or why not? * Have students fill out the anticipatory guide activity *give students the list of vocabulary words from prologue to chapter 5 *Before the students look up theRead MoreStudy Guide1489 Words  | 6 PagesEN1320 Composition I SYLLABUS AND STUDY GUIDE TABLE OF CONTENTS SYLLABUS.......................................................................................................................................................................1 Course Summary........................................................................................................................................................2 Learning Materials and References ..............................................Read MoreStudy Guide760 Words  | 4 PagesStudy guide for Microbiology Chapter 2 Name________________ 1. List and describe the sequence steps routinely used to identify bacteria. These are referred to as the â€Å"five I’s†in your text. 2. 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Precedent evolves from a. state and federal constitutions b. state and federalRead MoreStudy Guide2309 Words  | 10 PagesMGT 443 FIRST EXAM STUDY GUIDE Chapter 1 QUIZ 1) Which of the following is NOT one of the processes included in operations management? o Finance 2) Structural operations management decisions include: o Capacity, facilities, and technology 3) Physical goods can be differentiated from services in the operations management process by: o Longer lead times and they can be inventoried 4) Which of the following functions would not have to think about â€Å"processes†Read MoreStudy Guide1605 Words  | 7 Pagesï » ¿Answer Key Top of Form Question 1 (Worth 5 points) Which of the following was evidence to support Vanzettis innocence during the Braintree robbery and double murder trial? No witness claimed to see Vanzetti during the shooting. Witnesses placed Vanzetti elsewhere during the crime. Vanzetti feared for his safety and that of his friends. 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Objectives of the study To analyze HRM technique and methods To analyze how employees help a company in differentiating itself from its competitors To analyze how companies attract the best -knowledge workers and retain employees in a competitive environment To analyzeRead MoreStudy Guide2169 Words  | 9 Pages1. The form of organization for a business is not an important issue, as this decision has very little effect on the income and wealth of the firm s owners. B. False 2. The major advantage of a regular partnership or a corporation as a form of business organization is the fact that both offer their owners limited liability, whereas proprietorships do not. B. False 3. Which of the following statements is CORRECT? A) One of the disadvantages of incorporating a business is that the owners then
Thursday, December 12, 2019
Essay on Assisted Suicide free essay sample
The Ongoing Historical Debate Of Euthanasia The word euthanasia originates from two Greek words, meaning â€Å"good death†. In the most natural state, euthanasia defines a death positively sought after for mankind, in the act of dying and ultimately death. Unfortunately, the term historically and currently leads to debate and manipulation to insinuate a criminal act. World civilizations must remember the crimes of the past, and fear misplaced power as currently occurring in Darfur, however, the horror of genocide does not belong in the euthanasia debate. The arguments originate from cultural, religious and social values and dictate as well as interfere with the ability to experience a â€Å"good death†. For decades, the world has been experiencing a battle between the advocates and opponents of legalizing euthanasia. While the Euthanasia Act released November 2011 by the Royal Dutch Medical Association outlined new guidelines, there are histories and past cases that need to be studied to fully understand possible implications. The legalization of assisted suicide has increased debate regarding a slippery slope effect due to a turbulent history and the misguided dogma that it will lead to involuntary euthanasia. Historically, the ongoing controversy regarding the slippery slope effect and its pertinence to those who are curable, have surrounded euthanasia placing the experience of dying with dignity, for the terminally ill in jeopardy. An article titled, The Unleashing of the Destruction of Life Devoid of Value, categorizes people who are to be eliminated. The book written by two Germans in 1920, Carl Binding, a doctor of jurisprudence and philosophy, and Alfred Hoche, a medical doctor, labeled burdensome people as â€Å"incurable idiots, mere caricatures of true men whose death create no vacuum. †The book and its contentions are later exemplified, by both the defense and offense, as the origin for condoning the genocidal Holocaust of Nazi Germany in the late 1940’s. Consequently, Nazi Germany proclaimed that the origins of humane euthanasia began prior to Nazi terrorism. Advancements in knowledge and strict guidelines have increased since the early 1900’s; therefore history will not repeat itself, and the original intent of euthanasia can be realized devoid of a slippery slope effect. Slippery Slope arguments have been on the forefront in the euthanasia decriminalization debate since the 1930’s. In the 1930’s, a prophesized slippery slope included the potential for a lack of medical advances to discover a cure for incurable diseases. The medical doctor pledges the Hippocratic Oath to protect and prolong life, but also to relieve suffering. Slippery slope controversies are based on the supposition that despite the fact the law mandates restrictions, parameters will be blurred based upon human nature. The concerns should be navigated and acknowledged, but not dictate the fear of change. Controversies surround the act of dying. Currently, medical development in technology has been increasingly successful in the treatment to prolong life and perpetually relieve pain. The question arises concerning the patient’s rights in making life-sustaining decisions. Public support of painless euthanasia for the terminally ill has increased dramatically. A survey conducted by Blendon and colleagues illustrated that 34 percent in 1950 were in favor, 53 percent in 1973 and 63 percent in 1991. The contemporary issue of assisted suicide exposes deep historical roots by Plato, Aristotle and Pythagoras. The philosophers maintained favor of merciful death, yet condemned murder and suicide. While Plato, Aristotle and Pythagoras historically acknowledged support of euthanasia in the advent of a painful terminal disease, all condemned suicide for other reasons. A branch of Ancient Greece, the Stoics and Roman Philosophy, also accepted euthanasia when pain from a terminal illness became intolerable. However, the initial reign of Christianity in the Roman Empire dramatically altered these views and judged euthanasia intolerable, based upon the Sixth Commandment of, â€Å"Thou shalt not kill†. Saint Augustine’s religious belief dictated that the suffering of an individual as pre- ordained by God and to deny that divine power as an unpardonable sin. The Renaissance period, following the fourteenth century, experienced a softening of belief, the Catholic saint, Sir Thomas More, advocated voluntary euthanasia for the terminally ill. He published, in Utopia, during 1516 that euthanasia as defined for the terminally ill would be a reality in an ideal society. Up until the end of the 1800’s and during the early 1900’s, physicians considered the discussion of euthanasia as a viable option for painful, terminal illness. Not until the advent and repercussions of Nazi Germany, Hitler and the Holocaust did the discussions concerning pro-euthanasia cease. The comfort of the term euthanasia and its intent became an evil crime of horror. The Holocaust claimed 6 million Jews and 3 million gypsies, under the erroneous premise of ethnic cleansing, forever altering the definition and intent of euthanasia. This act does not define euthanasia, it defines murder, yet has become a strong premise in the contemporary debate against humane euthanasia. The evil of Nazi Germany will not be forgotten and the fear of misplaced power should remain, however, it does not have a rightful position in the arguments concerning euthanasia for the terminally ill. The current contemporary issue regarding the Darfur Genocide profoundly illustrates misplaced power and genocide, not euthanasia. Tremendous medical and technological improvements during the late 1950s made it possible to sustain life in terminally ill patients and those in vegetative states for extended periods of time. These medical advancements brought quality-of-life issues to the forefront. The Patient’s Bill of Rights written in 1973 by the American Hospital Association grants the patient the right to reject medicine with informed consent. The United States Constitution also awards citizens the right of freedom of choice, and being in control of one’s life. Oregon became the first state to legalize assisted suicide through the Death with Dignity Act in 1998 and since then 460 people have died via this option. Washington passed the Death with Dignity Act in 2008 with 57. 91 percent approval under the voter initiative I-1000. As of March 4, 2010, 36 people have self-administered the lethal medication via physician’s prescription in Washington State. There have been 63 prescriptions filled, but some opted not to exercise this option, dying via their terminal illness. As of 2012 the only other state to legalize euthanasia for the terminally ill is Montana. The greatest misunderstanding relating to the Death with Dignity Act comes from a common misuse of the term â€Å"assisted suicide. †The power of language and the use of the word â€Å"suicide†exemplify a scare tactic used by those opposed to the law. Suicide identifies a desperate act and generally executed in secrecy. The connotations that are created in religion and moral values regarding suicide are not present. Suicide intentionally ends one’s own life, ending an open-ended life span. Death with dignity enables a choice to shorten an inescapable, impending and painful death of a person who desperately wants to live, but that option does not exist. The choice allows control and dignity in the process of dying. The Act provides a sense of peace, enables communication with healthcare professionals and loved ones; though there still will be sadness it can permit a celebration of one’s life. To support and legally allow a terminally ill person the option to choose the timing for the end of their life illustrates an act of humanity. The pain inherent in the terminally ill is meaningless, eternal and doomed to dramatically increase. A valid measurement does not exist to determine the degree of pain experienced by an individual. Medications relieve a limited amount of the pain, however, medications have proven grossly inadequate in certain cases. A man suffering from prostate cancer said, â€Å"The medication puts me to sleep. As soon as I wake up there’s pain. If I can’t live free of the pain, I’m not living at all, simply existing. †Another patient suffering from pancreatic cancer stated, †I would never have believed that there could be such pain. I am a different person. Its like having a new set of neurons implanted in my brain, each one producing as much pain as it can. And here I am enjoying the best of American medicine. I am ready to go now. †Indisputably, there are increased advances in studies and medicine; however, there reaches a point when the excessive pain becomes unbearable for the patient. Currently, the contemporary debate continues in the United States, especially amongst religious entities strongly opposing the Death with Dignity Act in Oregon and Washington states. Many religious traditions remain faithful to ancient teachings and beliefs concerning the physical side of life and death. Modern technology and science have discovered new insights and helped some leaders of faith to reconsider. Terminal illness and disease are no longer as large a mystery. Barbara Coombs Lee, President of Compassion amp; Choices, a group for the advocacy of aid in dying, has fought against the Catholic Church and their staunch undermining of The Death With Dignity Act. The Catholic Church instigated a movement, To Live Each Day with Dignity; this movement’s intent aggressively increases the assault on end-of-life choices. For many Catholics, the Pope’s directive mandates the final word, a word that directs a judgment without introspection and self thought. Evangelical, Mormon, Protestant and unaffiliated religions also have profiles that dictate their vote. Religious proponents of The Death with Dignity Act religious proponents believe godliness does not exist in allowing a terminally ill person to experience needless suffering. The future of legalized euthanasia will be dependent upon the guidelines, boundaries and law in place to prevent the abuse of euthanasia and honoring it, as was originally intended, a â€Å"good death†. Euthanasia in its true form negates a criminal act as believed by certain cultural, social and religious entities. However, Scott Robinson states in, To Go Among the Saracens, â€Å"Yet the human situation is characterized, above all, by â€Å"forgetfulness,†or â€Å"heedlessness. †Historically, the criminal acts regarded, as euthanasia during Hitler’s reign must be remembered.
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